Friday, June 15, 2007

Final Exams Up

Just a post to notify everyone that my final exams are coming up from Monday, 18th June 2007, so my activity will decrease a lot during the next couple of weeks. Its gonna be real tough cuz I didn't get that much marks in the mid term and also am suffering from low internal grades. This is going to have a real bad impact on my CGPA, but in the end of it all. I would finally be free for two months before the next semester, and I also would be a half Computer Engineer too. Wish me luck people. Oh and to make up for my absentee, I have uploaded over a dozen new videos (Music, Trailers, and other stuff) on YouTube for you guys to enjoy. Here is the link to my Channel:, you can also visit my profile on Gamespot for more cool stuff by me at In the end of it all, if you are also a Bahrian or like Bahria University, go to for some great videos from the university.

Well so long people, until next time, probably after 25th June, you will hear from me again, when I will post my 50th Blog entry on

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