Saturday, December 8, 2007

AT Project Requirements

Make a program that accepts a Regular Expression in the following format:



The program should take the user expressions from a file and process it for output. Use the transition table to make the FA diagram. However the transition table doesn't fully represent the requirements. You have to use your own fuckin logics to implement the full table.












There is a bug in this implementation and you have to find it. The final submission should include:

  • A Program fulfilling the requirements
  • The Algorithm (Not the code, i.e. no syntax)
  • Program documentation
  • A document citing any difficulties encountered during the development
  • $100 check addressed to Uzair Sajid, Chairman UzEE Inc.

The above information is not 100% guaranteed as I also lost my instruction page. I think Shoaib took it.







Sunday, November 4, 2007

Operating Systems Services and Functions

Assignment Number 1

Submitted By

Uzair Sajid




Submitted To

Shaftab Ahmed

Computer Science Department

Bahria University


Operating System

An Operating System (OS) is the software that manages the sharing of the resources of a computer. An operating system processes system data and user input, and responds by allocating and managing tasks and internal system resources as a service to users and programs of the system. At the foundation of all system software, an operating system performs basic tasks such as controlling and allocating memory, prioritizing system requests, controlling input and output devices, facilitating networking and managing file systems. Major Operating Systems include Microsoft Windows, Sun Solaris, Mac OS, and the UNIX/Linux Family.

The Kernel

The kernel is the central component of most computer operating systems. Its responsibilities include managing the system's resources, and the communication between hardware and software components. As a basic component of an operating system, a kernel provides the lowest-level abstraction layer for the resources (especially memory, processors and I/O devices) that application software must control to perform its function. It typically makes these facilities available to application processes through inter-process communication mechanisms and system calls.

Functions and Services

The basic functions that an Operating System should provide include (but not limited to):

  • CPU and Process Management
  • Memory Management
  • I/O Management
  • Information And Storage Management
  • Network Management

Along with the fore mentioned functions, the operating system should also be able to provide the following basic services to the users:

  • User Interface
  • Program Execution
  • Security
  • Device Management
  • Resource Allocation and Accounting

The following paragraphs explain the above mentioned terms in a bit more detail.

CPU and Process Management

Every program running on a computer, be it a service or an application, is a process. As long as a von Neumann architecture is used to build computers, only one process per CPU can be run at a time. Older microcomputer Operating Systems such as MS-DOS did not attempt to bypass this limit, with the exception of interrupt processing, and only one process could be run under them. Mainframe operating systems have had multitasking capabilities since the early 1960s. Modern operating systems enable concurrent execution of many processes at once via multitasking even with one CPU. Process management is an operating system's way of dealing with running multiple processes. Since most computers contain one processor with one core, multitasking is done by simply switching processes quickly. Depending on the operating system, as more processes run, either each time slice will become smaller or there will be a longer delay before each process is given a chance to run. Process management involves computing and distributing CPU time as well as other resources. Most operating systems allow a process to be assigned a priority which affects its allocation of CPU time. Interactive operating systems also employ some level of feedback in which the task with which the user is working receives higher priority. Interrupt driven processes will normally run at a very high priority. In many systems there is a background process, such as the System Idle Process in Windows, which will run when no other process is waiting for the CPU.

Memory Management

Current computer architectures arrange the computer's memory in a hierarchical manner, starting from the fastest registers, CPU cache, random access memory and disk storage. An operating system's memory manager coordinates the use of these various types of memory by tracking which one is available, which is to be allocated or de-allocated and how to move data between them. This activity, usually referred to as virtual memory management, increases the amount of memory available for each process by making the disk storage seem like main memory. There is a speed penalty associated with using disks or other slower storage as memory.

Another important part of memory management is managing virtual addresses. If multiple processes are in memory at once, they must be prevented from interfering with each other's memory (unless there is an explicit request to utilize shared memory). This is achieved by having separate address spaces. Each process sees the whole virtual address space, typically from address 0 up to the maximum size of virtual memory, as uniquely assigned to it. The operating system maintains a page table that matches virtual addresses to physical addresses. These memory allocations are tracked so that when a process terminates, all memory used by that process can be made available for other processes.

The operating system can also write inactive memory pages to secondary storage. Under Microsoft Windows, this process is called paging.

I/O Management

Any Input/Output (I/O) devices present in the computer, such as keyboard, mouse, disk drives, printers, displays, etc require a significant amount of management. The Operating System allocates requests from applications to perform I/O to an appropriate device and provides convenient methods for using the device (typically abstracted to the point where the application does not need to know implementation details of the device). To perform useful functions, processes need access to the peripherals connected to the computer, which are controlled by the kernel through device drivers. For example, to show the user something on the screen, an application would make a request to the kernel, which would forward the request to its display driver, which is then responsible for actually plotting the character/pixel.

A kernel must maintain a list of available devices. This list may be known in advance (e.g. on an embedded system where the kernel will be rewritten if the available hardware changes), configured by the user (typical on older PCs and on systems that are not designed for personal use) or detected by the operating system at run time (normally called plug and play).

Information and Storage Management

All operating systems include support for a variety of file systems. Modern file systems comprise a hierarchy of directories. While the idea is conceptually similar across all general-purpose file systems, some differences in implementation exist. The file system is of particular interest. Obviously, programs need to read and write files and directories, create and delete them, search them, list file Information, permission management. File systems may provide journaling, which provides safe recovery in the event of a system crash. A journaled file system writes information twice: first to the journal, which is a log of file system operations, then to its proper place in the ordinary file system. In the event of a crash, the system can recover to a consistent state by replaying a portion of the journal. In contrast, non-journaled file systems typically need to be examined in their entirety by a utility such as fsck or chkdsk.

Network Management

Although not a core part of the operating system, the Network Manager has become essential in modern day computing. Most current operating systems are capable of using the TCP/IP networking protocols. This means that one system can appear on a network of the other and share resources such as files, printers, and scanners using either wired or wireless connections.

Many operating systems also support one or more vendor-specific legacy networking protocols as well, for example, SNA on IBM systems, DECnet on systems from Digital Equipment Corporation, and Microsoft-specific protocols on Windows. Specific protocols for specific tasks may also be supported such as NFS for file access.

User Interface

All operating systems need to provide an interface to communicate with the user. This could be a Command Line Interface or a Graphical User Interface.

A command line interface or CLI is a method of interacting with an operating system or software using a command line interpreter. This command line interpreter may be a text terminal, terminal emulator, or remote shell client. The concept of the CLI originated when teletype machines (TTY) were connected to computers in the 1950s, and offered results on demand, compared to 'batch' oriented mechanical punch card input technology. Dedicated text-based CRT terminals followed, with faster interaction and more information visible at one time, and then graphical terminals enriched the visual display of information. Currently personal computers encapsulate both functions in software.

A graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of user interface which allows people to interact with a computer and computer-controlled devices which employ graphical icons, visual indicators or special graphical elements called widgets, along with text, labels or text navigation to represent the information and actions available to a user. The actions are usually performed through direct manipulation of the graphical elements. Today, most modern operating systems contain GUIs. A few older operating systems tightly integrated the GUI to the kernel—for example, the original implementations of Microsoft Windows and Mac OS the Graphical subsystem was actually part of the operating system. More modern operating systems are modular, separating the graphics subsystem from the kernel (as is now done in Linux and Mac OS X) so that the graphics subsystem is not part of the OS at all.

Program Execution

The system must be able to load a program into memory and to run that program, end execution, either normally or abnormally (indicating an error). This involves locating the executable file on the disk or other secondary storage media and loading its content into the memory. These steps may further include processing by another parser or interpreter as in the case of .NET Platform, in which each program is compiled to MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language, now called CIL or Common Intermediate Language) and then parsed to assembly upon execution by the .NET JIT (Just In Time Compiler).


There are two generic levels of security, internal and external. Internal security can be thought of as protecting the computer's resources from the programs concurrently running on the system. Most operating systems set programs running natively on the computer's processor, so the problem arises of how to stop these programs doing the same task and having the same privileges as the operating system (which is after all just a program too). Processors used for general purpose operating systems generally have a hardware concept of privilege. Generally less privileged programs are automatically blocked from using certain hardware instructions, such as those to read or write from external devices like disks. Instead, they have to ask the privileged program (operating system kernel) to read or write. The operating system therefore gets the chance to check the program's identity and allow or refuse the request.

Typically an operating system offers (or hosts) various services to other network computers and users. These services are usually provided through ports or numbered access points beyond the operating systems network address. Services include offerings such as file sharing, print services, email, web sites, and file transfer protocols (FTP), most of which can have compromised security. These threats are categorized under external threats and are usually dealt with using add-on software like firewalls and antivirus programs.

Device Management

To perform useful functions, processes need access to the peripherals connected to the computer, which are controlled by the kernel through device drivers. For example, to show the user something on the screen, an application would make a request to the kernel, which would forward the request to its display driver, which is then responsible for actually plotting the character/pixel.

In a plug and play system, a device manager first performs a scan on different hardware buses, such as Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) or Universal Serial Bus (USB), to detect installed devices, then searches for the appropriate drivers.

As device management is a very OS-specific topic, these drivers are handled differently by each kind of kernel design, but in every case, the kernel has to provide the I/O to allow drivers to physically access their devices through some port or memory location. Very important decisions have to be made when designing the device management system, as in some designs accesses may involve context switches, making the operation very CPU-intensive and easily causing a significant performance overhead.

Resource Allocation and Accounting

When multiple users or multiple jobs running are concurrently on the operating system, resources must be allocated to each of them. Some (such as CPU cycles, main memory, and file storage) may have special allocation code and rules, while others (such as I/O devices) may have general request and release code. To keep track of which users use how much and what kinds of computer resources, the OS should also implement an Accounting scheme.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Official Matchups for September

You can find all the official matchups that are scheduled for September here. This list would be updated as more matches are set. Everyone should be checking this post periodically to check if they have a game coming up. Results would be appended as they are finalized. Exhibition matches don't have team restrictions, but every player must still take a unique team unless authorized by the original user. Exhibition matches are not ranked!







September 4, 2007





SMS Wins by Resignation

September 4, 2007





Xubayr Wins by Conquest

September 4, 2007





masOoOo wins by withdraw

September 4, 2007






September 5, 2007







UzEE def SMS, Xub def UzEE

September 5, 2007





Sherkhan Wins by Conquest

September 5, 2007


UzEE (Huns)



masOoOo Wins by Conquest

September 5, 2007







Xub def masOoOo and SMS

September 12, 2007


East Coast





The list will be updated when, more matchups are fixed. Every game is to be started and completed within 48 hours (Except Weekends) after which it would be considered Draw. And both teams would get the points as per scoring policy.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Age of Empires: The Road to Victory

This is part one of the extensive gameplay report I have been assigned to do on Age of Empires. Even though my time for this game is up and I have already resigned from the Elite 4, I am still serving the community as a gameplay and strategy analyst. This report would deal with the gameplay methods and strategies of our team and the European Crusaders. This would be divided into two subtopics, strategy analysis and gameplay techniques we would utilize to implement those strategies. I would like to start by analyzing our own gameplay first with a detailed discussion of the outcome of our previous battles. I would list our weaknesses, potholes in defense and strategy, and if any, our strengths. Then I would proceed with the analysis of the opponent team in the same manner. After this all, I would enlist possible strategies we might take on in an attempt to do the impossible, which is to beat the other team. This introduction is intended to give you a guideline for the entire document. And the reason I am posting it as a blog post is only that we would be able to discuss it in more detail online.

Gameplay Analysis

The East Side BoyZ

First up is the East Side BoyZ. This team is composed of three mid-eastern (I detest that) civilizations; Saracens, Persians and Turks, with Persians being the better one in the imperial sagas, and Turks with their powerful offence. Saracens come into an advantage only when naval forces are required which is hardly the case we would be playing in the water. I would like to start by analyzing the Persians first.

The Persians

Before I say anything, here is a quick overview of the civilization and what I cover in this issue:

    • Cavalry Civilization
    • Start +50 wood, +50 food.
    • Town Centers, Dock 2X HPs; work rate +10% Feudal Age, +15% Castle Age, +20% Imperial Age.
    • Team Bonus: Knights +2 attack vs. archers
    • Unique Unit: The War Elephant:  A powerful, but expensive elephant trained in warfare.
    • Extra Starting Resources
    • Super Town Center
    • Super Docks
    • War Elephant
  • Pros and Cons
    • Generic Strategy
    • Sarmad's Strategy
    • Potholes
    • Key Improvements
    • Team Strategy
    • A few pages out of the history

Persians in Gameplay

The Persians get a good early game bonus and some very nice progressive bonuses as they advance through the ages. Let's go over the bonuses.

Extra Starting Resources: Persian players begin the game with 75 extra wood and 75 extra food. With this bonus, the Persians can spend more time exploring or use it to get a jump on their competition by building more houses or villagers than the other player's can afford in the early game. This means you can build two more houses and one more villager than other civilizations right off the bat.

Super Town Center: The Persian town center has double hit points. In addition, it works faster, producing villagers faster than other civilizations' town centers. In the Dark Age, it provides no bonus. But in the Feudal Age, it builds 10 percent faster; in the Castle Age, it builds 15 percent faster; and in the Imperial Age, it builds 20 percent faster. The hit point bonus makes the Persian town center a little more resilient to early rushes, and the faster production means you can really crank out villagers at a fast rate. In the later ages, if you do suffer a setback, you can rebuild your work force faster than other civilizations.

Super Docks: Persian docks have double hit points and produce ships at progressively faster speeds. In the Dark Ages, there is no speed bonus, but in the Feudal Age, the dock works 10 percent faster; in the Castle Age, it works 15 percent faster; and in the Imperial Age, it works 20 percent faster. With this dock, Persia can quickly rule the seas, putting out more boats than its rivals. In the Feudal Age, it can also start trying to squeeze out fishing ships for a food boost.

Expert Opinion: Here is what designer Greg Street has to say about all the Persian bonuses. "Persians are a lot of fun in the first few minutes of the game because their extra resources give them a great deal of versatility. You can afford to explore a bit more before laying down that first mill or lumber camp or switch to a fishing ship strategy earlier. Fishing ships are not quite as effective as they were in Rise of Rome; due to their cost and build time, but a Persian player can offset this bonus a bit. The superior town center and dock have no effect in the first age, but do let you quickly ramp up to your full villager or fishing ship component in later ages. You can also recover from an attack quickly, provided you haven't blown all your resources on elephants."

War Elephant: The War Elephant is the Persian unique unit. The designers realize that the Persian elephant wasn't used in the time frame encapsulated in Age of Kings, but they are making an exception to include this powerful attack beast.

This is what Greg Street had to say, "This is one of those areas where fun wins out over historical accuracy. When we were first coming up with unique units for all the different civilizations, a lot of the units we came up with were fairly indistinguishable. A unique unit needs to be truly unique; not only should it look like nothing else, but it should play like nothing else in the game. Unique units are not the same as super units, like the paladin and arbalest. The Briton longbowman grants ability to his civilization, in this case absurd range, that no other civilization can match. Up until the point where we gave the Persians the elephant, there was no expensive but extremely powerful unit in the game except for the Teutonic knight. While it is true that Persia did not use war elephants much past the time period of the AOK Dark Age, once you see an army of elephants stride boldly into an enemy town, it is pretty easy to forgive the anachronism. Elephants elicit fear like few other units."

The elephant is available in the third age and can be recruited at the castle. As a basic unit, the war elephant is a slow but powerful unit. It has a lot of armor, a huge amount of hit points, and does a massive amount of damage. However, it costs a great amount of resources to make. It is strong against cavalry, swordsmen, crossbowmen, and is especially good at tearing down buildings. It is vulnerable to monks, pikemen, and cavalry archers. The upgrades to the elephant include upgrades to attack, armor, and speed. In addition, the Imperial Age upgrade to the war elephant gives the unit overall increase in hit points and armor and also gives the unit trample damage to all adjacent units.

Greg Street further comments on the war elephant, saying, "I almost never send my elephants out without three critical technologies: husbandry, faith, and upgrading the elephants to elite. Husbandry increases the speed of cavalry, including elephants. Faith makes your units more resistant to conversion - always a problem when sending expensive, slow units against an enemy. Upgrading the elephants to elite gives them the trample damage similar to that of Rise of Rome's elephants. War elephants can destroy most units and buildings with relative impunity. They have so many hit points and do so much damage, that even if an enemy can bring down your pachyderms; he can't defeat them all quickly enough before you have leveled his barracks, stable, and castle. Elephants are truly only weak to pikemen (who get bonus damage vs. elephants) and monks. I have also seen paladins, throwing axemen, and longbowmen defeat a horde of elephants if managed correctly. However, it can be quite difficult to produce a horde of elephants because they are so expensive. If an enemy lets you make 30 or 40 of them, he probably deserves what he is about to receive."

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Persians seem like a powerful civilization. Although historically, there is some question as to how they rate among the Age of Kings civilizations and even which Persia is being represented (the third- to seventh-century ones or the seventh- to 12-century ones?). However, the civilization in Age II seems to be created specifically to be a contender in gameplay. The Persians are above average in the early game, with their wood and food bonus, and become a greater force later in the game, with faster working docks and town centers and the mammoth war elephant unit. In addition, the Persians excel on either land maps or naval maps. The docks bonus really helps the Persians crank out ships. In addition, they have a good technology tree that lets them build a good range of cavalry, archers, siege weapons, and ships.

Unfortunately, the Persians aren't perfect. Their elephants are terribly expensive. And without the elephants, the Persians suffer in ground combat, with a lack of good infantry units. Moreover, they don't get the final upgrades to defensive structures like towers or walls. The Persians are vulnerable to an early offensive with quick attacking units like light cavalry and horse archers. In addition, the elephants are vulnerable to the prayers of monks or the long pole-arms of the pikemen. So there you have it, Age of Empire fans. Along with the Chinese and Japanese, the Persians make a triumphant return to Age of Empires II. History buffs can debate whether they truly belong with the other medieval civilizations of Age of Kings, but gameplay-wise, the Persians can put up a fight to all comers who challenge their right to be counted among the 13 civilizations in this Age sequel. Come back in two weeks when we unveil the Goths.

SMS: As a Persian

Well after giving an overview of the entire Persian civilization, I would like discuss Sarmad's gameplay technique, if there was any. But even before that, I would like to document how a Persian should play if he knows his civilization well. Keep in mind this is a general gameplay strategy for any generic game. It would be most useful in a Deathmatch tough but still applicable in other game types, including speeders like Score or Time limit games.

Generic Strategy: Well the Persians get a flying start in the game. With a +50 food and wood in stock and a Super Town Center, they can really get a head start in most scenarios, though they still are pretty week to attempt a Rush, especially of the Feudal flavor. Since they are a cavalry civilization, they don't get a good infantry. In fact there initial defense may be week until they hit feudal age and get walls and towers. The common opinion is that Persians are quite weak in defense because they don't have fortified walls or strong towers. This is true to some extent, they are week in defense but that is because they were never intended to go into defense. It is a total offence civilization, and in fact they equally stack up to any other civilization till castle age. Only the difference starts to show when they are getting towards the end of the castle age and into the imperial age, but by then, they are able to train one of the most powerful units in the game. And all they really need to do after that is to gather food to feed those mammoths and that's pretty much it. So, summarizing it all, the Persians should keep their heads low in a long running game until they are capable of training elephants in numbers. And they should be biased towards food and gold more than stone. In fact in team based games, they should tribute excessive stone to a civilization that can better utilize it, like the Turks on their bombard towers. The only time to go offensive would be when they have at least 25-30 elephants ready backed by husbandry, faith and mahouts is applied and they have been certified as elite. After that, there is pretty much no stopping these monsters.

Sarmad's Strategy: Well, I hate to say it, but Sarmad's current strategy, which he has used till now, has pretty much been in the opposite direction. He tries to fortify himself and remains fully defensive even though he has the potential to go offensive. This, I am afraid has been one of the core causes of most defeats. His other problems include that he is easily intimidated and therefore bullied into giving up his resources which he should be fighting for. He also always seems ready to tribute to allies if he has even a little more than the required stockpile figures. He does go offensive but only if he sees his allies going offensive. He has also been noted to resort to diplomatic settlements so that he may not be attacked until post imperial which in most games is too late.

Potholes: Well, I think I already mentioned enough potholes there but I guess I still have to mention more. Well in his current strategy, the only think that seams to work is survival to near finish of the game, that is, he is usually successful in securing his safety till his allies are buttered and there is no one left for the enemy to kill. Plus he is also suspected to have made alliances with the other side secretly to ensure his safety. On top of that giving up his rights on his resources leaves him pretty much cornered and therefore even though, he survives to the end, he is defeated the moment he starts the game.

Key Improvements: Well the best thing would be to scrap the entire current strategy and go for a new one. I would recommend focusing on the basic needs than the desires, that is, aim to jump ages as quickly as possible to get to the late castle/imperial sage to unleash his wrath upon the northern invaders. Another benefit would be to keep as low a profile as possible, by not getting to be the center of attention and avoid trouble. This still doesn't mean that he should give up his own rights. The proper way to do that is to fortify a small area until elephants are available. Since Persians have Super Town Centers and Super Docks, building villagers and ships is a lot faster than other civilizations. Fishing ships should be a main focus in water based games, since food is the prime ingredient for the mammoths. And finally, know when to go offensive.

Team Strategy: I am just giving a public interface for the team here not a full coverage of the strategy, just the bare inputs and outputs required. Well in early stages of the game, the Persian should be looking forward to inputs a lot more, because frankly, he needs protection until he gets the war elephants. So he his team mates should always keep extra units around for his protection or should permanently assign some units at his base. It can also go in the opposite way though, the Persian can garrison his units in an ally's camp and sit under fortified walls until he thinks ready, but this is still not recommended. I still urge that after an initial protection, the Persian should be able to go on his own. He should have about 5-6 castles around for team based matches to generate more eles in parallel, so that way he would be able to produce 6 elephants at the time of one. But that would also be heavy on the pocket. He should not bother about towers and should let the allies take care of things like that. In the end the only concern should be to lay low until he can fully unleash his wrath.

A few pages from the history: Well my memories of the past games are vague and I don't remember a lot. But I will still document what I remember. As far is the subject of my most successful games with Persian allies, it goes back to the days of the first semester about two year from today. Back then, elite mammoths backed by bangin' bombards were the only thing needed to wet Xubayr's missionaries' pants, not to mention his. But those days are long gone but still I can remember a few games in which this strategy has worked and we were able to defeat or nearly able to defeat the opposition. And that includes Sherkhan, Liquid Snake, and though his name is not worth mentioning here, Ali. In a more recent encounter, actually about at the time of writing, I was able to defeat a team of a Byzantine and Teutonic foe with a Persian ally at moderate difficulty. He was also shy at first but after seeing my bombards into action, he also decided to join in and sent about 10 elite beef bags into the battle. Though there assistance was not required as I already had an army of 173 with 20 bombards, 83 cavalry, 22 infantry, 38 cavalry archers and 10 monks, plus a couple of villagers to go around to set up castles and towers on the fly and to fix up the bombards between battles. Well that is almost pretty much I still remember while having a Persian ally.


And this concludes today's episode of the Age of Empires: The Road to Victory. Stay in touch for the next installment. We will be analyzing Xubayr MA and his gameplay strategies (I know it sounds boring but, stick around). And since I am around, things are bound to get more interesting then they usually are.

© 2007, UzEE Inc. All rights reserved.

All names and references are either taken from GFDL compliant sources or are taken with prior consent of the property owner.

This document cites various facts and findings revealed by

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Finally! 20 Percent

When I hit 10 Percent of level 20, I thought I would post my next entry in the blog when I hit 20. I thought it would be like a week or so at max, but guess what; it took me 1 month and 4 days to just advance 10 percent of Level 20. 1 month and 4 days! I never even imagined that things would be so slow, I mean at this rate, I would hit level 21 well into 2008. Maybe I will hold the record of slowest out of Level 20 then. I know this is supposed be the Dead Level but this is practically extinct. Everyday I only see an increment of .30-.50% with more bias towards the lower limit. I guess I should forget about ever going beyond this level because I think its here to stay for good. Just look at these figures:

  • Hit Level 20: July 7th, 2007.
  • Reach 10%: July 24th, 2007. That makes about 17 days. I thought this was too slow, but…
  • Reach 20%: August 28th, 2007. This makes 1 month and 4 days. And that makes 1 month and 21 days for level 20 in total.

At this rate, I can only predict to hit 30% in about 2 months, and maybe, if I am lucky, I would advance to level 21 by next Christmas. In other news, my vacations would be coming to an end in about 15 days and it would be back to the university and that boring work routine. I really hate this time of the year and ironically, my birthday also comes round about that time. Which reminds me that my Pie is also gone, I hope my turkey didn't come back and stole it? But I will solve that mystery later because Gamespot is causing a lot of problems these days. I think that the site is now unfit for use on dial-up, so I would only look at that case when I am back in the university on high bandwidth servers. Until then I can only hope to get out of this nightmare that people call level 20.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Some took my Turkey; and left me Pie

Hehe, right! Someone took my Turkey emblem and replaced it with a Pie!

I know pies and cakes were being handed over but I didn't know they came at a price of one turkey. If I knew that I would never have traded it in! I mean the turkey was an exclusive emblem handed only to those who used Gamespot on Thanksgiving 2006. I really hope that I get my turkey back and its not gone for good. But do tell me, did anyone else reported the same crime?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dragon Ball Online!!!

How come I never found out? It turns out that there is an Online MMORPG based on the Dragon Ball franchise being developed by NTL in Japan and Korea. It's going to be published by Namco Bandai, and it would be out on the PC and XBOX 360 in 2008. Since being an MMORPG on the PC and X360, it is speculated that it would benefit from LIVE Anywhere, and allow cross-platform gaming between the two systems. Currently only being developed for Japan and Korea, it is expected to hit the western market too sometime in the future. Akira Toriyama has great deal of control over the creative aspects of the project, both contributing to and supervising the story and art design, including character and location designs, so we can expect a lot of anime like action from the game.

Dragon Ball Online is set in Age 1000, exactly 216 years after Goku left the 28th World Tournament to train Uub in Age 784. The player takes the role of one of the many warriors living in the Dragon Ball World, which are searching for the Dragon Balls, training to compete in the World Martial Arts Tournament, or aspiring to become like the warriors of legend. While training, the player senses a disaster strike the world. The Earth is divided into pieces by a villainous organization known as the Dark Eye, which is lead by a mysterious individual. Receiving guidance from Time Cop Trunks, the player sets out on a journey to defeat the mastermind and save the world, meeting other players along the way, and interacting with the denizens of the Dragon World, including characters from the original series.

Currently, there are three playable races confirmed; Earthling, Nameks and the Saiyans. Players will be able to further customize their avatars with a variety of options, including hairstyles, colors, and clothing. Human and Saiyan players will begin their journey on Earth, recruited by Time Patrol Trunks to help save the world, while Nameks will begin on New Namek, guided by Saichoro to help those on Earth. Players also have the option to start their journey as a child, allowing their character to age and grow into adulthood as they play the game, much like the main characters of the original series. There is a lot of open ended gameplay as the player has the choice to hunt for the dragon balls, train and compete in the World Martial Arts Tournament with other players, or just head out on the quest to become the greatest warrior in the universe.

Expect free roaming environments on both Planet Earth and New Namek and a lot of downloadable add-on content released later. Either released in the English version or not, this is the one to look out for, if you are a Dragon Ball/Z/GT fan. In the mean time I leave you with some screen shots of the game!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

So What’s New

Well, even with all the fuss going around these days, I am still pretty much bored! I can't think of anything to do, even though a lot has happened in the past week. Some important events include that my 4th semester results were out and there was the trimmed down E3 Media and Business Summit 2007, which quite frankly the name puts me to sleep for a couple of hours. Sure its E3 and a lot of news came around but there was nothing revealed that intrigued me, other than the fact that this may be a boring year for gaming if Grand Theft Auto IV fails to deliver on its promise. Plus it turns out the Resident Evil 5 will also not be available this year so its another bummer to the summer event.

There may be a $100 price cut to the PS3 but there is still no strong reason to go out and buy one, and from all the rumors I have heard, it turns out that Microsoft may unveil the 3rd Generation XBOX in two years placing the life expectancy of the X360 in question. The increase to a full 3 year after sales warranty tells a different story however that, Microsoft believe the X360 could go on for another 3 to 4 years. What would really bring a revolution now would be a an announcement from Microsoft in one or two months regarding the price of the X360, like a $100 price cut for all the three SKUs. The new Zapper from Mario factory looked good, but I don't quite fancy the Wii Fit idea. I think it would not make a big impact. Who ever would want a video game that would require them to 'work-out'?

In terms of next generation, I think the PC is easily comparable to the consoles now and if equally supported by the developers, would be overtaking them by the end of the year. The Intel Core 2 line is looking more promising with the new chips that would soon join the block. And who knows, maybe AMD do pump out a true Quad-Core solution to challenge Intel's Core 2 line. As for the graphics chips, the GeForce 8 series is far superior to the RSX in the PlayStation 3, with capabilities like Full Screen 16x Anti Aliasing and High Dynamic Range Lighting simultaneously. On top of that we may get triple or quad SLI out of the 8800 chips to really boost the amount of juice we get from them. And Vista backed by DirectX 10, Games For Windows and LIVE Anywhere seem to be the real future, which is pretty much going to dominate the gaming industry in the coming years, so I wouldn't bet on the consoles right now. The only advantage they have left is the fact that they get exclusive game titles, like Grand Theft Auto IV and Halo 3 for the XBOX 360 and Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2 for the PlayStation 3. And since now, at least for 2007, PlayStation 3 has stole Unreal Tournament 3 from the PC, which was going to be a DirectX 10 title. But we still have a Crysis to prepare for and I think it would be a tough competition between Grand Theft Auto IV, Halo 3 and Crysis for 2007 Game of the Year.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

OMG I Am Level 20!

Yeah, its true. I have just hit level 20 here on Gamespot. Finally a major milestone after all these years, blogging and gaming and stuff; all that hard work finally paid off. It was a tough road on from level 10 to here, it took me over an year to achieve this level. When at level 19, I thought it would never pass, actually as far as I can remember it took me about 1 month and 24 days to complete it where most other people could do it just under 3 weeks. And from what I have heard, level 20 also known as the Dead Level or the Danger Level takes eternity, for the regular speeders, so I am assuming it would take about 3 months for me. I hope the road ahead of level 20 is easier but I have to get over this hurdle first.

Back in 2000 when I first joined Gamespot, I never knew I would make it this far. In fact after loosing my original account, I was going to give up. But then something inside me compelled me to start over, and after an absence of 3 months I rejoined on January 2004. After that it was easy gaining level 12, which I actually got under 2 years compared to about 3 from the previous account. I also got a lot more emblems, probably because my understanding of the site grew too. Now, I have achieved level 20 now, and plan to go a lot further. With this achievement, I'm going to add new blog header for my profile.

And just for a quick review, here is a snapshot of my Gamespot status:


Profile Views







Forum Posts


Blog Posts


Union Posts





Games Rated






Digg Referrals





Saturday, June 30, 2007

Help me choose new Blog Headers

I have created two new blog headers for my blog. They perfectly fit the new Dragon Ball Z theme that you see on each one of my profile on the internet these days. I am rapidly transforming into a saiyan again, and that's why its all you see me do these days. Anyways let me get to the basic reason behind this blog post. Well, I actually created two slightly different versions of the blog header and couldn't decide which one to put up, so I decided that I should ask you guys which is better. After all, it is going to be there for you guys to see. So it would only be fair if you get a say in this. Well without further delay, here they are:

So please tell that which image is the better one. I would put it up as my blog header. And once again, thanks for your feedback people. I really appreciate it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I Am Back: 50th Blog Post

Well people, I am finally back from my exams. It was a real tough week and I am not expecting anything good right now. Most of my grades will be down and the worst part is that this was the final exams for the semester and I would not get a chance to make up for it. But it is still my fault, as I got too lazy to do anything and missed out on a lot of assignments and Quizzes. Now what ever comes up wouldn't be good and definitely could have been better. Heck by mid-term I was guaranteed at least 5 out of 6 A-Grades in the semester but now it has come down to this that I may even end up getting an F in one course.

But hey, what's done is done, and I would move on and attack the next semester head on. I got 2 months of summer vacation and I still haven't figures out what to do. Should I go for an internship or spend my time doing what I do best, Game On. Only time would tell that, but one thing is for sure that for now, one thing is for sure; I would be going all out on my favorite sites gaining new levels and achieving the unexpected. My primary targets would by Gamespot, YouTube and CelebDAQ. I would also be doing a lot of blogging and thanks to Microsoft Word 2007, posting these simultaneous blog entries has never been easier.

Since on the topic of blogging, I would like to reveal that this is my 50th Blog Post for Gamespot, my number one blog. I would like to acknowledge the participation of all my friends and contacts there who actually read it and give me feedback on it. I am also pretty close to hitting level 20, the Danger Level so I would try my best to keep my participation up and clear it right out. On the other statistics, my YouTube site has finally started to grow; I have now received 15400 Video Views and have 270 channel views. I only have 10 friends but soon plan to change that and add a lot more people. If you want to add me as a friend on YouTube then please visit and click 'Add as a Friend'. If you are reading this post elsewhere that you can also add me on Gamespot by visiting and then click 'Track this Person'.

Well, so long people, until next time, and it will be real soon. Believe me!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Final Exams Up

Just a post to notify everyone that my final exams are coming up from Monday, 18th June 2007, so my activity will decrease a lot during the next couple of weeks. Its gonna be real tough cuz I didn't get that much marks in the mid term and also am suffering from low internal grades. This is going to have a real bad impact on my CGPA, but in the end of it all. I would finally be free for two months before the next semester, and I also would be a half Computer Engineer too. Wish me luck people. Oh and to make up for my absentee, I have uploaded over a dozen new videos (Music, Trailers, and other stuff) on YouTube for you guys to enjoy. Here is the link to my Channel:, you can also visit my profile on Gamespot for more cool stuff by me at In the end of it all, if you are also a Bahrian or like Bahria University, go to for some great videos from the university.

Well so long people, until next time, probably after 25th June, you will hear from me again, when I will post my 50th Blog entry on

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Greatest Games of All Time: Grand Theft Auto III

Gamespot inducted GTA III into its greatest games of all time. It's the ultimate Hall of Fame of the industry, and well it's the first ever induction of a Grand Theft Auto, into the Hall. And surprising enough, it was GTA III and not San Andreas that pulled out the shot. I was actually expecting it to get the first inductance, but anyways; I guess Liberty was just plain better. I had a flash of memories from 2001, when I first played this beautifully engineered master piece from Rockstar North. Enough said, here is a preview of what Gamespot had to say:

Taken from:;picks;story;6

Grand Theft Auto III is easily one of the greatest games of all time. It was quietly released in 2001 for the PlayStation 2 and after widespread critical acclaim and positive word of mouth, quickly became a cultural phenomenon that forever changed the world of video games. It may seem crude now, but when it was released, GTAIII offered an unprecedented level of freedom and detail, giving rise to terms like "sandbox" and "open world" to describe the entire genre of games that this one inspired. Yes, GTAIII was also violent and controversial, but it isn't the defining game of the PlayStation 2 era because of its success. Rather, it epitomizes its generation because it's an undeniably fun, well-designed, immersive, and hilarious game that broke new ground for future games to follow.

In what might be the most significant leap forward for any video game franchise, GTAIII took the series from a somewhat obscure top-down game of cops and robbers to a fully realized action adventure set in an expansive 3D world. Playing GTAIII for the first time, it's easy to feel intimidated by the sheer scope of the game. You play as a nameless hero who happened to catch a lucky break and avoid going to prison. After a short intro, you're thrust into the streets of Liberty City, where you can do just about anything you want.

You can steal a car and simply cruise through town to check out the sights. Or, you can hop in an ambulance and try your hand at being a paramedic. If that doesn't suit your fancy, you can get behind the wheel of a police car and hunt down criminals to deliver your own brand of vigilante justice. And of course, you can always visit any of the dozens of intriguing story characters to take on special missions and earn some serious loot.

The size of the game's world and the freedom it gave you to explore are the most immediate and striking aspects of GTAIII, but it's more than just a huge maze of streets for you to run around in. Liberty City was so well designed and detailed that it felt remarkably lifelike. Pedestrians strolled down the street muttering to one another; newspapers blew in the wind; gangsters patrolled and protected their territories; hookers propositioned johns on street corners; and through it all, the sun continued to rise and set on the comfortable chaos of life in the big city.

Subsequent GTA games would expand the scope of the playable world to encompass multiple cities and miles of virtual space between, but Liberty City from GTAIII felt just right. It was by no means small; the game had three huge districts and hundreds of miles of roads to explore. The different districts were perfectly distinct--for instance, the hilly suburbs of Shoreside Vale offered a completely different experience from the seedy red-light district on Portland Island.

In addition to the superbly crafted world and top-notch gameplay, Grand Theft Auto III had a fantastic sense of humor. Everything from the dialogue and characters to the radio stations and billboards was infused with a satirical wit that was funny without feeling overplayed--a remarkable feat for a game that easily lasted 100 hours or more. Whether you were laughing out loud at the ridiculous Smokey and the Bandit-like antics of angry police officers or chuckling at the goofy Lazlow as he rambled on about nothing in particular on his talk radio show, there was always humor to be found among the mayhem in Grand Theft Auto III.

Of course, GTAIII generated plenty of controversy when it was first released. After all, a game that lets you pick up a hooker, have sex with her, and then rob and murder her is going to raise a few eyebrows. What you have to understand about the game is that it's not the senseless violence and mature themes that made it fun--violent games have existed for years. What made Grand Theft Auto III fun was the way it was so cleverly designed to keep you entertained despite a relative lack of structure. Essentially, GTAIII gave you the freedom to entertain yourself, which in this case proved much more effective than holding your hand and dragging you through a rigidly organized series of challenges. Grand Theft Auto III defied all expectations of what a video game must be and delivered a gameplay experience unlike any other. And for that, it's without a doubt one of the greatest games of all time.

You can get even more info about the article by visiting the link. It has A lot more to offer then just this, so be sure to visit it. You can also comment your own views on it here and also on Gamespot if you want too. Well its time for me to sign off, but keep in touch for more from the World of UzEE.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Saiyan Saga Concludes

The Saiyan Saga concluded here last week. Toonami rebroadcasted all the episodes. Even though I had seen it all before, the experience was thrilling. It was like watching a new series all over. Its great that Dragon Ball Z airs every day from Monday to Saturday here, so we can really get into the story. Well now it's the race to Namek and Feriza's number is almost up. It would be great seeing the original Super Saiyan transformation again. Those were one of my favorite episodes. Akira Toriyama really created magic in this series.

I still wonder why he thought that the time was up for Dragon Ball Z. I never really swallowed GT. I mean I didn't like the idea of dropping original and main characters like Gohan, Goten, and Piccolo etc in favor of newer ones. They were that core of the series and maybe that's why DBGT wasn't as successful as its two prequels. And then at the end, killing almost everyone, meaning the showing that time has passed on and the only survivor is Pan, and two knew kids Goku Jr. and Vegita Jr., who didn't even know what a Super Saiyan is. I sometimes really wish we could see another sequel to Dragon Ball Z, not GT because, to me, it wasn't a fair story. This concludes my 48th post here on Gamespot, and I am really close to my 50. Don't forget to comment.

Monday, May 7, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The First Post

This is the first post of my Blogger Blog. I am just testing how this service feels like. If I find it worth it, L'll add it as a suplement to my Gamespot's Game Log.

You can leave your comments if you like, and tell me how much you like the Idea of having another blog besides Gamespot, Live Spaces, MySpace, Yahoo! 360 & JoeUser.